Monday, February 18, 2008

backround info on me.

Well I guess it's time to fill you in on me. My middle name is Lane. I am 14 years old, and was born on July 13th , 1993 at 2:20 in the afternoon at Northside hospital. I have long curly brown hair that sits at my belly button. In December I will cut it for locks of love, but will try to keep it as long as possible, while still donating a lot ,if that makes any sense. After that I plan to grow it to my knees, and then well most likely donate it again, however you will never see me with short hair. It drives me crazy, I can't do anything with it. I am currently about 5'1, and the shortest person in my biology class(and probably in most of my other classes to)! yes! I always said that I either wanted to be really tall or really short, never average, so I guess I got my wish :). Who knows I might have another growth spurt in me , but I like bieng short so yeah. I have blue eyes and wear glasses that are shaped like squished hexagons. I have a light to fair skin tone, and most people say I look exactly like my mom. I'm in the ninth grade at North Paulding High School and I currently take all advanced courses there. At this point I feel lead by God to be a teacher. I hope to go to college with a double major in elementary education and special education. I want to teach as soon as possible , but through the course of my career I hope to recieve a doctorate in both of the above areas. I don't want to be anything more than a regular teacher, I just want to challenge myself and be the best teacher I can be. I want to study abroad in Italy and spend one year teaching in an LDC(less developed country). And if it is God's will I hope to be married and have a big family, biological and adopted. Above all else though I want to continue to grow in Christ. My spirtual experience began at a very young when I accepted Christ. My mom has always worked In churches so they become my second home, most of the time I spent more time there than my house.This instilled a deep love of the church which helped my relationship with him grow. I would throw screaming fits if we had to miss church . Once I even put on my mom's enormouse parka filled the pockets with all the change I could find and threatened to walk there. When I was in sixth grade my faith reached a defining moment. That time was a rough time in my life I was making the change from elementary to middle school, and making what felt like a thousand others at the same time. We had stopped going to the church I grew up at and we had not started going anywhere else. I greatly missed my second home , and as you can imagine was not happy that we weren't at least going somewhere. I had previously been plugged into every sort of sport, and heavily involved in church so I was a liitle lost, and things in my house had seemed to have reached a boiling point. Most of the time I felt like I was 2 people,but now I thank God for that time in my life. In that time I relied heavily on God, I began to study his word and grow closer to him, and thousands of door opened up in my faith. We finally started going to church again at Due West UMC and I LOVE it. I have two younger brothers. My interest include reading ,writing, knitting,and volunteering. I love to write and am currently trying to write some books, and I hope to continue that. I am a walking oxymoron. I can be quiet or loud(more often loud) shy or outgoing(I'm usually shy at first but once you get to know me I never shut up, and sometimes i'm just outgouing for know reason.) I talk really fast! To me it's normal but it amazes most people. I've been known to deliver a full page typed speech in about 45 seconds. I like to meet new people, although I sometimes feel shy at first I can usually get over that fairly quick. I love bieng creative, and most of my writing is exteremly detailed( as you've probably guessed!) I am definatly a bookworm and a self-proclaimed nerd, but I like that. I talk a lot, and I love to schock and amaze people, usually by how much of a nerd I truly am. I also like to smile and help somebody. I volunteer with children a lot especially special needs children, I love it. ( I think I'm overusing the word!) I spend some time as a hippotherapy volunteer, as well. I 'm the editor of my school's yearbook and am involved in the beta club. My high school is only ninth grade and my class will be the seniors all four years. If anybody actually read this far wow!

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